Guide Groups

Freeland, with North Leigh and Long Hanborough combine as Freeland District in offering that important all-girl space for girls and young women

Rainbows 5 to 7 years          

Brownies 7 to 10 years          

Guides 10 to 14 years          

Senior Section from 14 years

Across the three villages volunteers run 2 Rainbow, 3 Brownie and 3 Guide units and, a recently added small Senior Section.

For these groups to continue to thrive we need you!  NOW.    Not only to register your daughter to join but also importantly as volunteers and helpers in these groups.

The central register for enquiries for your daughter to join or for you, as an adult volunteer, is:

After logging in, someone from the local unit will get in touch, ideally within a couple of weeks.

Or call a district contact to find out what guiding can do for youWe will have something for you, whether you can provide the odd hour to share a skill to becoming a regular weekly helper or leader. We look forward to hearing from you.  

To learn more about what Guides do and stand for see: Girlguiding UK


The Freeland Guides regularly attend the Service of Remembrance at St Mary's. This year the girls took an additional part in the service, contributing prayers, poems and decorating the church porch with collaged poppy pictures.

Examples of their work